Who We Are

Foremost After Foster Care Support in Apple Valley

Take Up Your Cross, Inc. is a nonprofit organization in Apple Valley that supports foster children exiting the system alone at 21. We provide a volunteer mentor, free bus passes and cell phones, affordable stable housing , and crucial life skills. Throughout the year, we also provide Monthly Birthday Gifts, Easter Basket Drive, Back to School Backpack Drive, Thanksgiving Gift Card Drive, and Christmas Toy Drive. We believe in putting James 1:27 into action: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Call us at (720) 838-7395 and join us as we support the next generation of leaders.

Keep in Touch

"Jesus Looks at His Disciples and Tells Them, 'Whoever Wants to Be My Disciple Must Deny Themselves and Take Up Their Cross and Follow Me. For Whoever Wants to Save Their Life Will Lose It, but Whoever Loses Their Life for Me Will Find It.'" - Luke 9:23

At Take Up Your Cross, Inc, we believe that every foster youth deserves a bright future. If you're passionate about supporting young people as they transition out of the foster care system, we want to hear from you! Whether you're interested in volunteering, making a donation, or just have a question, our team is here to help. Fill out the form below and let's work together to make a difference in the lives of foster youth in our community.